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North Face Women GoreTex Jacket

November 29th, 2011 at 06:35 am

North Face Men's Gore Tex Jacket I've been listening to a lot of Justin Vernon Bon Iver and his haunting and widely acclaimed self-titled album, which has been a consistent go-to for subway rides and late night work sessions. It can be epic and intimate, angry and quiet, and his unique, I'm-just-a-guy-in-a-cabin-with-a-guitar sound has even crept into the mainstream. But at the same time as I've grown to love his music, I've also come to the conclusion that I The North Face Men's Steep Tech Agency Jacket NO.10203 usually have no idea what Mr. Vernon is singing. In fact, if I was held at gunpoint, forced to tell you the second line of Bon Iver's song, "Holocene," I would only be able to make a semi-educated guess. "You fucked it friend, it something ends, it stuck the street" Perhaps. The second line of "Michicant," the fifth track of the album, might as well be: "Heard a lot of winging's up, no it wasn't welling's up, whyyyy." When I The North Face Realization 3 in 1 Jacket Men's NO.00210 sing it out loud, at least, that's what I sing. Apparently, according to multiple lyric websites, that "Michicant" line is actually: "Hurdle all the waitings up, know it wasn't wedded love," and the "why" I'm hearing is more of a warbled sound than a word.
But no matter. Because the truth is: I don't really care what Vernon's saying. Which is odd, because in high school the first thing I did when I bought a North Face Women GoreTex Jacket CD was tear open the mind-blowingly difficult-to-unravel plastic wrapping, remove the booklet and read the lyrics. Then I looked at the pictures and the liner notes. And if I fell in love with a band, I used the lyric sheets to make sure I knew what my favorite singers were actually saying.When I first fell in love with Bob Dylan, I remembered lines and phrases and choruses because the words stood out, even more so than the melodies. Nowadays, however, most North Face Women's Denali Jacket Pink hoodie NO.10057 of my new music is downloaded, and the lyrics are something I have to make an effort to seek out, rather than immediately soak in.Also, a lot of the music I listen to is awash in delay and reverb, and the singers of most critically acclaimed bands bands like Panda.

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